Dollar’s monthly range has been set in the past few months and probably won’t break either way during the summer. But even if this summer will be low on volatility and range breaks, doesn’t mean it won’t be good for trading. It might be actually a great time to make some relatively safe trades with low risk, especially if we stay in the current range. 100-200 pips either way will be a good opportunity for scalpers. Looking at next week, first I expect Dollar to correct up a little and then it will be upon the market to decide whats next. I really can’t tell if it goes down or up from then on. But we have FED minuted on wednesday, which is never a big mover, but mostly sets the tone for thursday and friday, when we also have the most important data of the week. So if EU and GU drop early next week, nothing major probably won’t happen after that, until the end of wednesday. And thursday/friday, we might get the biggest moves of the week. So I wouldn’t recommend to over-leverage into any direction until then, as it wouldn’t be safe into the news.